Wednesday, 29 June 2011


Im dreaming of the day that i can finally pack my bags and venture to this ever so amazing place. Hopefully its not to long away.  On this dismal day, i couldn't think of anything better to do then, stay rugged up in my pj's in bed and stalk the net all day long. :)

oh and how could i forget  new york  has passed that gay marriages are now legal. congrats guys. 

Tuesday, 28 June 2011


yay after so long of my internet being so so slow and not uploading , we finally got a bigger plan. here are a few snap shots from the couture marking day at tafe, i had a bit of spare time on my hands, and couldn't help but capturing what happens in our magical world. xxx

plus i got some features in our local news paper.  :)

Sunday, 26 June 2011


Bring on summer, shindigs, dancing around the fire and lazy afternoon bike rides in the setting sun


I'm counting down the days till the sun starts to hang around a bit longer, there is that relaxing warmth still in the air at 8pm at night and fleetwood mac is playing in the background. 

Not long now, we have already had the shortest day of the year, so its only a matter  of time now till the days start lasting longer. 

After spending a quite and relaxing afternoon outside in the warm winter sun in my pjs and with a tea, i couldn't help start letting my imagination wonder. 

I have already designed my summer range for 2011/12  and am a bit excited so here is a sneak pic of my inspiration.


Monday, 20 June 2011


 Ok so finally, i don't have to speak this dreaded word anymore, although i will admit, that even though, i have blistered fingers and burns from hot glue guns, stab wounds from pins, and a but full of cellulite from sitting way to long sewing, i absolutely adore and even amaze myself of what i have created. I cant help but share my large creation. Now i just have to conquer my range, and i shall finally graduate with an advanced diploma in fashion design. yay 

this is my look book / artwork/ inspiration that i handed in for marking.
