Tuesday, 5 February 2013

She sells sea shells

Day two of this weeks 7 days of inspiration is all about shells shells shells. 

Since I was a child I have been in love with them and everything ocean related. One day I even convinced dad to paint my room blue, and put up a white net so I could hang starfish on it, and so it would really make my bedroom feel like I was living under the sea.  And like fashion it seems as though everything comes back into fashion. 

Since discovering the magical label Spell and the Gyspy Collective and the amazing blogger Leana from Coconut Lemon and Lime, they have reunited my passion and love for them. About a month ago I also stumbled across the ever so swoon worthy, The Design Villa, which compose the most to die for pics on insta. 

So here it is, a collection of all my fav shell images I have had stored away, and some newbies too. :) 

Images supplied by : We heart it, The design villa. 

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