Tuesday 5 April 2011


Today was a sad day as it was my last day interning at bec and bridge.
 For over a yr i have been with the girls, and it has been one of the most rewarding and  exciting experiences i have had to the fashion industry. 

When i first arrived at Bec and Bridge they were a lot smaller, there was a total of Bec, Bridge, and her soon to be bub Tommy, Lauren, Jordana, Fallon, Kylie, Mon, myself and Tom, MJ and the occasional sewer. nNow we have Mel and Anna added to the team in production and sales as well as a massive influx of interns ranging from, ultimo tafe, California, Scotland, germany and many more places. The place has had its floors painted and been renovated, and added a new room.

All these girls have given my opportunities and found memories of working at sales, helping at fashion week, playing with bridge's gorgeous little boy tommy,  drawing up jewellery pieces, chilling out over lunch and gossiping about all the wonders our lives hold, laughing till our lungs hurt when Fallon called the northern territory asking if they were ok and had been affected by the QLD floods,  hanging out with Kylie in production and the joys of dispatching with jords and anna.

 These girls have been my good friends for the year, and i hope they have enjoyed having me as an intern,  i sadly have left as i am in my third and final year of studying and need to get a job.

 But i will miss you all and thank you for such a fun year.


bridge and bec

backstage at RAFW

bridge ( almost ready to pop )

michelle jank new stylist.

mj team B & B mascot  <3

fallon and her pup MJ  and bridget and her new bub tommy. 

the team minus bridge
left to right
( jordana/ kylie/ fallon/ lauren/ bec)

Some of my fond memories and photos of my time with the girls. 


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